The Astronomy (Radio) Show
Drystone Radio is a local community radio station located in North Yorkshire and brings you ‘The Astronomy Show’ with Martin Lunn MBE FRAS. Every Monday between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. But as Drystone Radio is available on all internet connected devices the show may appeal to astronomers all over the world. Ask your smart speaker to play Drystone Radio or visit Recordings of the show are also available on demand.
Space Oddities
Space Oddities is a weekly live panel show featuring an international panel of experts and enthusiasts that streams to You Tube at 8pm UK time on Monday evenings. The panel is made up of people who were regular members on Astro Radio’s Reach Out and Touch Space show. Now that Astro Radio is off air, they have created this new show which covers space and astronomy news, upcoming astronomical events and much more. The panel has a diverse range of specialist areas, so if you have a question, you can post it in the live chat during the show. The You Tube channel is here:
Choosing Binoculars
John Young Chair of the Birmingham Astronomical Society has sent details of their next meeting at 19:30 on 26 July:
Steve Tonkin FRAS Presents how to choose and use binoculars for astronomy.
About this event:
The binocular is not limited to being a beginner’s instrument and a subordinate adjunct to a telescope, but is an exceptionally valuable astronomical instrument in its own right
Tickets are £3 via Eventbrite at the link below.