Tony Roberts
Tony Roberts

Tony Roberts

Wed 26th Apr 2023
Time: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Place: St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall

Category: Monthly Society Meetings

Speaker: Tony Roberts, FRAS

Astronomical Oddities

The history of astronomy is littered with the weird, the odd and that
which we know now was simply wrong. From strange telescopes, through
non-existent planets and misunderstood observations. This lecture is a
personal review of these and more.

Tony Roberts has been Chairman at Croydon Astronomical Society since
2016. Joining the Society in the late 1970s he was part of the team that
opened the Norman Fisher Observatory in 1979 and was also Chairman
there 1985/86. He is also Chairman and a founding member of
Edenbridge & District Astronomers and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical
Society since 1984.

Enjoying the history of astronomy, his observing interest is focused on
variable stars and comets. His main activity across both groups is public
outreach and he is a regular at the Norman Fisher Observatory public
events, as well as visiting schools and youth groups to speak about
astronomy as a STEM Ambassador.

The Meeting will start at 7.45pm. The hall doors are open from 7:00pm and members are welcome to attend from this time to assist, set up the hall and socialise.