Public Moon Watch – 5th December 2008
Public Moon Watch – 5th December 2008

Public Moon Watch – 5th December 2008

A Public Moon Watch was held at BEECHE at High Elms on Friday 5th December. We had a very successful evening with about 30 members of the public who turned up, many with children. Three telescopes were set up in the car park and in between the clouds and the rain everyone got a chance to see some stunning views of the moon. Unfortunately Tony Buick who was going to give the talk was down with a rather vicious cold, so Greg Smye-Rumsby kindly offered to step in with a talk of his own. He started with an explanation of how the moon was formed, followed by its geology and orbital dynamics, the tides, eclipses and the Apollo missions. We followed with refreshments and a Q&A session. Many thanks to all the members who came to assist with the evening and to Greg for coming in at such short notice.